the orbital

FlareOn 9 - Challenge 10 Writeup

Challenge Setup

Challenge Name: Encryptor

First thing I did was to open the binary flareon.exe in ghidra to get a basic idea of what the binary does. From this, I learned that the program will try to encrypt the files passed in via the commandline. Invoking the program in cmd.exe like so:

flareon.exe file1.EncryptMe file2.EncryptMe

will produce the files:

It follows that the provided SuspiciousFile.txt.Encrypted has been encrypted using flareon.exe. Additionally the program will write the following informative text to a file called HOW_TO_DECRYPT.txt after it has completed its work:

void encrypt(FILE *output,FILE *input)
  ulonglong mystery [17] = {0};

  byte nonce [12] = {0};
  int counter = 0;
  byte key [32] = {0};
  // generate random values for the key and the nonce 

  // encrypt the file contents and write the encrypted data to the output file
  chacha20_encryption(output,input, key, counter, nonce);

  // derive a "mystery" value from the key, counter, nonce and global variables d and n
  // i will go more into what is happening here later..
  pow_mod(mystery, key, &d, &n);

  // append values, necessary for recovery of the encrypted data





The function generates a 256-bit long random key and a 96-bit long random nonce and passes that on to the chacha20_encryption function which writes the encrypted content of the input file to the output file. Then, the encrypt function also writes the values of the variables

as hexstrings seperated by newlines to the output file. (The | here denotes concatenation)

The variables

are globals, which are set at the start of the program. A subset of these is also written to the How-to-File. The values will play an important role in decrypting the contents of the suspicuous file later.

For now let’s turn our attention to the actual encryption method implemented in chacha20_encryption. The pseudo c-code of which is shown here:

struct state {
    char constant[16];
    int key[8];
    int counter;
    int nonce[3];

int chacha20_encryption(FILE *output, FILE *input, int *key, int counter, int * nonce) {

  state hash_state;
  uint key_stream [16];
  byte block [64];
  longlong idx;
  int bytes_read;

  size_t sVar2;
  int local_104;

  // setup state for the hash function
  hash_state.constant = "expand 32-byte k";
  hash_state.key[0] = *key;
  hash_state.key[1] = key[1];
  hash_state.key[2] = key[2];
  hash_state.key[3] = key[3];
  hash_state.key[4] = key[4];
  hash_state.key[5] = key[5];
  hash_state.key[6] = key[6];
  hash_state.key[7] = key[7];
  hash_state.counter = counter;
  hash_state.nonce[0] = nonce[0];
  hash_state.nonce[1] = nonce[1];
  hash_state.nonce[2] = nonce[2];

  while( true ) {
    // read in a 64-bytes long `block` of data, exit the loop if no data left 
    // or if there was an error
    sVar2 = fread(block,1,0x40,input);
    bytes_read = (int)sVar2;
    if (bytes_read < 1) break;

    // derive the key_stream
    chacha20_block(key_stream,(uint *)&hash_state);

    // encrypt the current block by xoring the `key_stream` with the `block`
    idx = 0;
    do {
      block[idx] = block[idx] ^ *(byte *)((longlong)key_stream + idx);
      idx = idx + 1;
    } while ((int)idx < bytes_read);

    // write out the encrypted `block` to the output file

    // increment the counter in the `hash_state`
    hash_state.counter = hash_state.counter + 1;
    local_104 = bytes_read;
  return local_104;

This function implements the ChaCha20 Encryption Algorithm. This algorithm is a stream cipher that uses a 256-bit long key and a 96-bit long nonce. It goes through the input file in 64-byte long blocks. For each block a key_stream is derived from the passed in key, nonce and the counter. The key_stream is then xor-ed byte by byte against the block, yielding each iteration an encrypted block which is then written to the output file. The counter is increased by one for each block that has been encrypted.

Googling the constant “expand 32-byte k”, I learned that the constant “expand 32-byte k” is commonly associated with the Salsa20 family of hash functions in which this string is part of the initial state of the hash function’s algorithm. The string being contiguous on the stack implies that the hash function could be Chacha20. Comparing the decompilation of the chacha20_block function to the ChaCha20 algorithm indeed confirms that the hash function is Chacha20. I then read the ChaCha20 RFC7539 which describes ChaCha20 Encryption Algorithm which in turn I found to be identical to the functionality implemented by chacha20_encryption.

How to recover the key used for the ChaCha20 Encryption?

So we now know how that the ChaCha20 encryption is used to encrypt the file contents but how is it possible to recover the key?

To recap: To the encrypted data, following values are appended

We’ll be focusing exclusively on:

as that is all what is needed for solving the challenge.

The values of nn and dd are computed once at the very start of the progam in a function I called init. Again I have already labeled all of the functions and variables from the ghidra decompilation output.

void init(void) {

  undefined8 is_prime;
  ulonglong p [17];
  ulonglong q [17];
  ulonglong pm1 [17];
  ulonglong qm1 [17];
  ulonglong phi [17];
  undefined8 local_a0 [17];
  // roll random numbers until one passes the primality test 
  // the primality test used is likely Miller-Rabin
  do {
    is_prime = primality_test(p);
  } while ((int)is_prime == 0);

  // roll random numbers until one passes the primality test 
  do {
    is_prime = primality_test(q);
  } while ((int)is_prime == 0);

  // compute the rsa-parameter n from the primes p and q
  multiply_bigints((ulonglong *)&n,p,q);

  // compute phi, the value of the euler totient function at n
  big_int_subtract_one((longlong *)pm1,p);
  big_int_subtract_one((longlong *)qm1,q);

  // compute the private exponent d by finding the modular multiplicative inverse of the 
  // public exponent 0x10001 modulo phi (d is initialized to 0x10001)
  modulo_inverse((undefined4 *)&d,(undefined4 *)&d,phi);


The init function generates the private RSA-key (n,d)(n,d)

It does so by randomly generating random numbers pp and qq so long until both of them pass a primality test. I did not fully reverse the primality test but I have a strong suspicion that it is Miller-Rabin

The (probable-) primes pp and qq are then used to find

n=pqn = pq
de1(mod φ(n))d \equiv e^{-1}\quad(\text{mod } \varphi(n))

where φ(n)=(p1)(q1)\varphi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) and e=0x10001e = 0\text{x}10001 Giving the private key (n,d)(n, d) and the public key (n,e)(n, e).

Now we know that the following line of code in encrypt

pow_mod(mystery, key, &d, &n);

which is equivalent to the operation

mystery(key|counter|nonce)d(mod n)\text{mystery} \equiv (\text{key|counter|nonce})^{d}\quad(\text{mod } n)

encrypts the concatenation of key, counter and nonce using the RSA private-key (n,d)(n, d). Due to the properties of RSA, the original ChaCha20 key, counter and nonce can then be recovered from mystery by calculating

key|counter|nonce(mystery)e(mod n)\text{key|counter|nonce} \equiv (\text{mystery})^{e}\quad(\text{mod } n)

The function encrypt appends the values of nn and mystery as a hex string to the decrypted file data. Additionally the value of the exponent ee is known to be 0x10001. Therefore we have all the necessary information to recover the ChaCha20 key, counter and nonce that were used to encrypt the file data. This allows us to finally decrypt the Chacha20-encrypted data.

Putting it all together

With all the above information in hand, it is now possible to decrypt the contents of SuspiciousFile.txt.Encrypted through the following steps:

For this I wrote the following python script:

from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20

# open the suspicious text file and read in its contents
with open("SuspiciousFile.txt.Encrypted", "rb") as thing:
    material = bytearray(

# define helper function that splits the indexable object `it` at index `idx`
split = lambda it, idx : (it[:idx], it[idx:])

# parse the data from the back to front 

# find the encrypted key that was used for the ChaCha20 encryption
assert material.pop() == 0xa, "Invalid seperator, must be 0xa"
material, encrypted_key = split(material, -256)

assert material.pop() == 0xa, "Invalid seperator, must be 0xa"
material, _ = split(material, -256)

# find the rsa-parameter n
assert material.pop() == 0xa, "Invalid seperator, must be 0xa"
material, n = split(material, -256)

assert material.pop() == 0xa, "Invalid seperator, must be 0xa"
encrypted_data, _ = split(material, -256)

# rsa-decrypt the key, nonce and counter to-be-used for the ChaCha20 computations 
n = int(n.decode("utf-8"), 16)
encrypted_key = int(encrypted_key.decode("utf-8"), 16)
decrypted_key = pow(encrypted_key, 0x10001, mod=n)
decrypted_key_bytes = decrypted_key.to_bytes(0x30, "little")

# extract the key and the nonce from (key | counter | nonce)
# counter is hardcoded to zero in flareon.exe, so it is not extracted
key = decrypted_key_bytes[:0x20]
nonce = decrypted_key_bytes[0x24:]

# decrypt the file content and output it to stdout
output = bytes()
cipher =, nonce=nonce)
for i in range(0, len(encrypted_data), 0x40):
    chunk = encrypted_data[i:i + 0x40]
    output += cipher.decrypt(chunk)


Executing this script gives:


The flag is:

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