the orbital

niteCTF 2023 - German Shell - Writeup

Challenge Setup

Challenge handout only consisted of a remote endpoint to connect to over netcat and the filepath at which the flag is located on the remote server.

The flag is located at /var/quantumLava/flag.txt

Once connected to the remote server, you are given a shell for you to execute commands on. But any user input is garbled via some unknown process:

$ This is some text right here
/bin/sh: 1: frdf/pcabj/jmsg/pwxa/yn/vkiT: not found

Let’s reverse it, to get the flag

Solving the challenge

First thing I did, was to see how the garbleing treats equal prefixes. I wanted to answer questions such as:

With the following test:

$ This is some text right here
/bin/sh: 1: frdf/pcabj/jmsg/pwxa/yn/vkiT: not found

$ This is other text
/bin/sh: 1: knth+dprcw+yn+vkiT: not found

you can observe:

From this we can conclude that the garbling process first reverses the user input.

Some more experimentation:

$ a
/bin/sh: 1: a: not found

$ aa
/bin/sh: 1: ba: not found

$ aaa
/bin/sh: 1: cba: not found

$ aaaa
/bin/sh: 1: dcba: not found

$ aaaaa
/bin/sh: 1: edcba: not found

$ aaaaaa
/bin/sh: 1: fedcba: not found

reveals that ever-increasing sequences of ‘a’ spell out the alphabet in reverse.

This transformation holds even across non-alphabetical characters:

$ aaaa/aaa
/bin/sh: 1: hgf*dcba: not found

See how the e got skipped?

So to recap for alphabetical characters the transformation goes as follows:

  1. reverse the input
  2. rotate every character in the reversed string by its index in the non-reversed string

Problem: Non-alphabetical characters

Non-alphabetical characters clearly seem to be special cased. Recall:

$ This is some text right here
/bin/sh: 1: frdf/pcabj/jmsg/pwxa/yn/vkiT: not found

$ This is other text
/bin/sh: 1: knth+dprcw+yn+vkiT: not found

Notice that / is substituted with + in all cases. Not what you would expect!

After much experimenting I just had to conclude that the non-alphabetic transformation was random.

So I chose to ignore them!

Solution script

My solution script applies the transformation to alphabetic characters and leaves non-alphabetic ones intact.

symbols = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./ "
string = "cat /var/quantumLava/flag.txt"
garbled = []
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
for i, c in enumerate(reversed(string)):

    if c in symbols:

    assert c.lower() in alphabet

    idx = (ord(c.lower()) - ord('a'))
    a = alphabet[idx - i % len(alphabet)]
    garbled.append(a if c in alphabet else a.upper())


Then I just went ahead and repeatedly pasted the ouptut of the above script into the shell prompt of the remote server until I got lucky and I got the flag: nite{tr7n517t10n_u51ng_t1m3_n0t_c001_00000yx}